Hm…Tastes Like Blog
This is where you'll find release announcements, developer podcasts, and periodic updates from the Symphony team. Grab the feed.
Dev Chat #8
More eagerly anticipated than Apple's shipment of the iPad and more controversial than healthiness and book learnin' are in the US, episode 8 of the developer's podcast is now available for your listening pleasure.
Symphony Gigs: Hire and Get Hired
Need to hire a Symphony developer? Looking for a place to practice your Symphoninjutsu? You’re in luck. Announcing @symphonygigs on Twitter.
Looking Forward: Symphony 2.1
In the first post in a new series about Symphony’s ongoing development, the team announces its plans for version 2.1.
A Step in the Right Direction
Symphony’s 2.0.7 branch got off to a bit of a… rocky start. Today we hope to rectify that, announcing the first official 2.0.7 Release Candidate.
A New Year's Resolution: Manage Symphony Better
The team introduces a series of improvements to Symphony’s development and release procedures.
Squeezing more juice from Symphony queries
The release of Symphony 2.0.7 saw some performance optimisations that deserve mention beyond a line on the release notes. This post focuses on changes that, in some cases, reduce query consumption by up to 99 percent!
2009 Year-end Round Up
It has certainly been an exciting year for Symphony and the super intelligent, ultra supportive, and drop-dead sexy community. To round the year off on a high note, the team made one last push to get a new Symphony update release out; despite what Santa says, you lot have been nice this year (with an appropriate amount of naughty).
Unmatched Style Video Response
Gene and Jay from did a website review of the Symphony website (Sweet!) and I’ve made a response video which addresses the concerns pointed out by the awesomely-astute-power-duo.