20 May 2010

If you've visited the issue tracker lately, you'll likely have noticed the pall of eerie stillness that has descended over it—little stirring save the occasional tumbleweed, the silence broken only by the faint chirping of a lonely cricket. It's a phenomenon that's left one of the world's most renowned scientists hopelessly and completely baffled: How could a once bustling ecosystem of frustrating errors, silly oversights, and mis-typed arguments simply vanish, as if into thin air?

For those that knew the issue tracker as a raucous den of lasciviousness and iniquity, this may seem like welcome news. But many experts fear that its sudden, dramatic emptying could in fact leave it an ideal breeding ground for elements even more unsavory than before—highway bandits, terrorists, even zombies. Or worst of all: zombie terrorists who engage in banditry on the highways.

These experts believe our only hope lies in the Symphony community—a ragtag collection of painfully good-looking and charming people scattered throughout the globe—and are calling on them to download or fetch RC3, mercilessly hunt down new bugs, and post them to the issue tracker immediately. Humanity itself may be at stake.


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