As Symphony 2.3 progresses, we are going to post intermittent development notes for extension developers to stay up to date and ensure the transition from Symphony 2.2 is to Symphony 2.3 is as seamless as possible.
The first development notes for Symphony 2.3 are available on the Symphony Github Wiki. These notes relate to some of the cleanup that has happened currently with the removal of deprecated (and unneeded) properties and functions in the Symphony codebase.
It's an important read for extension developers as some of the changes may break current extensions. There is also a forum thread for developers to discuss the changes in more detail than the blog comments provide.
In other development news, the UX WG had a meeting on Friday with a summary available for viewing here.
Until next time, happy development!
Brendan, I really like this open communication of the current state of things. Thanks a lot for coordinating all this and thanks even a lot more for your immense code contributions!
No worries Nils! I'm trying hard to expose the development process so Symphony truly can be open source.
Many hands make light work :)
@brendo, Rock On!
I agree with Nils, this is a strong aspect of Symphony getting stronger.
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