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Closed#160: content.blueprintssections.php not testing for $sections array

content.blueprintssections.php’s __viewNew() function appears to not test if $sections is an array (~line 140) so when the first section view is attempted, it fails since there are no navigation groups. I’ve tried inverting the conditional from line 34 of the same file and applying it to the $ul, so the tag ul isn’t created if there are none. This seems to work (section is succefully created).

Sorry for not doing a pull request, still a little bashful with git.

Thanks ashooner, I’ll fix that up.

If there are no sections the navigation group suggestion list will not be shown. Thanks to ‘ashooner’ for spotting the problem. Also prevented duplicate items in list from showing. Closed by 64a9244b908212f6a8efd34f80f5770096cf401f

This issue is closed.

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