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Closed#472: Default section set to Blueprints - Sections, even after creating a section

Some people might find it irritating that after creating a section, the first user still has his default section set to “Blueprints - Sections”.

Also, after changing it to any of the new sections I can’t set it back to any of the other pages.

Not sure I follow this one.

Some people might find it irritating that after creating a section, the first user still has his default section set to “Blueprints - Sections”.

What should happen? When the first section is created, all developers Default Area be set to the new section? This isn’t new from what I can tell, Developers were always redirected to the Blueprints - Sections page if they had no default area set.

Also, after changing it to any of the new sections I can’t set it back to any of the other pages.

Can you elaborate? Do you mean that you create an author with no sections, add a section, change their default area to that section and then logout/login it still defaults to Blueprints - Sections? Or just the fact that you can’t set it to be Blueprints - Sections without an extension?

Nils, is it possible that you have Craig’s Tracker extensions enabled. I had some weird redirecting issues while using it on 2.2.

Without further information (such as a list of installed extensions, or an ensemble recreating the issue), this issue will be closed on the 20th Jan.

OK, let me explain: This is not a bug, it just feels a little weird.

By default, the first user has his/her default section set to /blueprints/sections/.

After creating some sections all users have their default section set to the first one. Not the first user. His is still set to /blueprints/sections/. For him/her, I have to go into the profile and change it manually.

But once I did I can never go back to /blueprints/sections/ as it doesn’t appear in the dropdown.

As I said, it’s not a bug. It’s just weird that the default setting is different for different users. And also I find it weird that I can’t get back a setting I once had but decided to change.

Thanks for clarifying phoque.

/blueprints/sections/ is actually chosen because the first user creator is a Developer, and when no default_area is specified (or there is an error with the default_area), Developers will be redirected to this page.

The same happens for Authors, who if there default_area is missing (somehow) or there is an error (such as they don’t have access), they will be redirected to their Author entry.

That said; /blueprints/sections/ is an admin page, so this option should only appear for developer Author’s.

At present however, we don’t have any precedent for dynamic forms (ie. changing a value in one place affects some other values), so we can’t hide/show this option depending on if the Author Type.

While not in scope for 2.2, I think in 2.2.1 we should look at ways to make this possible through a javascript plugin, not just for this case, but for many other’s in Symphony.

I’ll leave as pending, for 2.2.1 todo.

Is there a reason why I have to manually set the default section for the main developer after creating my section? This is what I would expect from a developer point of view:

  • if there are no sections, redirect me to section overview.
  • if there are sections but none is set as my default, redirect me to the first one.
  • if there are section and I have a default set, redirect me to my default section.

Actually I think this was the default behaviour in builds prior to Symphony 2.2.

Fixed in this commit.

@Nils Implemented that process for developers.

@phoque The Sections index is now available to set as a Default Area for Developer's. There is no javascript here, so if you change an Author to a Developer, you must save first to get the Sections index option. If an Developer had the Sections index as the default area, but then is resaved as an Author, their default area will be cleared.

It could be nicer with javascript, but the functionality is there and can be improved in 2.3 if necessary.

This issue is closed.

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