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Closed#654: Textarea field: Saving formatted value is broken

The textarea field does no longer correctly save textformatter (e.g. Markdown) data to the database.

If you write this in a Markdown enabled textarea:


Markdown will output:


but Symphony will save the following as "formatted value":


This is definitely wrong.

I tracked this down to this commit.

(Please note: This commit did one change in line 160 which has already been reverted by a pull request. Still it is not working properly.)

And the expected result is?


Yes, cause this is what Markdown delivers. Any post processing at this point should only be done if the output of the textformatter (i.e. $result) is not valid XML. This should rarely be the case.

As far as I see, the old logic provided a two-step attempt to transform the output to valid XML just for these rare cases.

I suggest to revert this commit.

Fixed, the whole business is a bit of a mess IMO

Any reason why you omitted one of the "fallback steps" which would try to run the formatter on sanitized data? This is how the function looked formerly:

protected function __applyFormatting($data, $validate=false, &$errors=NULL){

        $tfm = new TextformatterManager($this->_engine);
        $formatter = $tfm->create($this->get('formatter'));

        $result = $formatter->run($data);

    if($validate === true){

        include_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php');

        if(!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XsltProcess)){
            $result = html_entity_decode($result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            $result = $this->__replaceAmpersands($result);

            if(!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XsltProcess)){

                $result = $formatter->run(General::sanitize($data));

                if(!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XsltProcess)){
                    return false;

    return $result;

And this is the current state:

protected function __applyFormatting($data, $validate=false, &$errors=NULL){
    if($this->get('formatter')) {
        $tfm = new TextformatterManager($this->_engine);
        $formatter = $tfm->create($this->get('formatter'));

        $result = $formatter->run($data);

    if($validate === true) {
        include_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php');

        if(!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XsltProcess)){
            $result = html_entity_decode($result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            $result = $this->__replaceAmpersands($result);

            if(!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XsltProcess)){
                return false;

    return $result;

Because if you look at the processrawfielddata function it will do that logic anyway.

Short answer: No, it's not the same. You actually changed the behaviour, but the current solution is more logical (so I prefer it!).

Long answer: Consider the following content in your textarea:




Since the __applyFormatting function is first used by checkPostFieldData, this will render an error in the backend upon saving with the current solution:

"Text" contains invalid XML. The following error was returned: loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 8 and rootelement in Entity, line: 18

The former solution of __applyFormatting would allow the user input to validate! But when saving (in processRawFieldData), the formatter would be applied with validation set to false, and the result would be sanitized:


(This, BTW, is not the same as $formatter->run(General::sanitize($data).)

The resulting formatted value would have been:


That is no good at all. (I don't remember when this behaviour has been implemented, but I remember that we once had "invalid XML" errors; we somehow lost them on the way.)

I like the current solution. Invalid XML should not be saved. Please leave it as it is now.

This issue is closed.

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