New#17: Forum like highlights for issue response?

It would be great to have these 1 new links for issue responses, too. Otherwise I’ll get lost here.

The more I think about it the more I think the issue tracker should behave exactly like the forum. It should not be sorted by ticket number (I see that number in the title, if I need it) but by latest comment highlighting the unread ones.

Yes, this is the intention. However, since the issue system is all-new, we needed to get the basics right first before we look at “Teh Awesomez”.

Email notification, unread highlighting and issue searching are all planned.

This is just great. Thanks a lot for this fantastic playground!

As a developer of 20+ extensions, I find checking the issues for each rather cumbersome. I also like to keep an eye out on issues on other projects to see if I can help out.

Therefore I’m suggesting a few more filters under the “Browse” list on the left:

  • leave the default as Symphony Issues
  • provide an “All Issues” category which shows issues across Symphony, Website and all Downloads (Ensembles, Extensions, Utilities)
  • provide a “My Downloads” category which filters the above by the downloads attributed to my account
  • provide a “My Issues” to filter on issues you have raised yourself
  • add another column (or the light grey text) to show what project the issue is assigned to

That way one can:

  • view the Symphony and Website issues individually (for everyone)
  • view a list of all issues raised on projects they are developers on (for developers)
  • view a list of all issues raised by a person (for users)
  • view a list of all issues across the entire Symphony universe (for nosy people like me and cross-project collaborators)

Couple that with:

Mmhmm lists :-)

And some more excellent comments about issues improvements.

You know what, I do wonder whether all this could be solved by actually using the Forum as the backend for Issues. A forum discussion could have several types (Forum, Symphony Issue, Website Issue, Download Issue). If a Download Issue it is linked to the download ID.

The forum then shows discussions in Forum categories.

This would also provide email notifications for the forum (which could be togglable) and make creating feeds easier too.

I also think that at least "X new" information would help a lot when checking issues page.

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