New#63: Feed for issues, issues with the issues

It would be great to have a feed with all new issues and those that have been closed.

It’s currently not possible at all to keep track of the issue list as you don’t see additional posts or understand that closed issues are hidden behind the bottom link (they just seem to disappear). Automatic notifications about newly posted responses are really missing.

For me it seems like the old GitHub bug tracker did some things right and some things wrong. This issue tracker seems to complete the GitHub one: it does some things wrong and some things right - which means that it’s not that much better, it’s different. It’s not easy to understand its structure - so it doesn’t help to clarify things (which results in a lot of double or at least similar posts).

I really like the new site but this part is definitely not working for me.

… and those that have been closed.

By saying that I’m thinking of something like this in the feed:

Issue #63 has been closed on Dth of MMMM YYYY at HH:MM with the following message: “…”

All good suggestions. We are noticing the problems with the issue tracker, and will be hoping to address them soon.

I’ve been thinking more about my main complain: keeping track of things. This is how I think the issues tracker should work:


I really like the way the bug tracker on GitHub categorised things into Open, Unread and Closed. But this Symphony issues tracker introduces a category list which I think is a great addition. I helps organising site issues or bugs and I see the list as a filter to find things. Although it mixes up two things (category and status) I think we need a pseudo-category Closed issues right under the current list (Symphony Issues/Website Issues).

Issue count

While it’s nice to see how many open ticket a category contains, it’s not a reliable notification system: even if the count does not change, new issues might have been added – I just don’t see it because another issue has been closed simultaneously (while the new issues will raise the count, the closed one will lower it and 17 + 1 - 1 still equals 17). That’s why I think that each category should show the total issue count and the the new issue count (Website Issues 17 / 2) for logged-in users.

Issue order and highlighting

In my opinion issues inside a category should be ordered by last change (exactly as the forum is). New items or replies should be highlighted, there should be # new links as in the forum. My mentioned pseudo-category Closed Issues should just work the same.

Closing issues

It would be a nice feature, if the author of a bug report would have the right to close his own reports.

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