XML Importer: Images
This is an open discussion with 3 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
Recently I imported images using XML Importer (Symphony 2.3.1, XML Importer 2.0) but—since it was a bit of a tricky process and I was able to made it working thanks to a mix of chance and trial and error—I’m not fully sure if I remember correctly everything I did back then (my memories are a bit mixed up), so take everything I’m writing with a grain of salt.
If I’m not wrong:
- the images have to be already somewhere in the workspace folder of your Symphony install;
- the path passed to the Upload field has to be a relative one—for example if all images are contained in a folder named “images”, the path should be “/images/name-of-the-image.jpg” without referring to the workspace folder but keeping the slash at the start (I’m not fully sure about the slash, but when I looked at the template I used for creating the corresponding XML few minutes ago it was there, so I guess I needed it for making the import working).
I don’t know if it’s possible to skip non-existant files. I guess they will not be imported and you’ll be notified with an error for each of those. But mine it’s just a guess, since I’ve never faced such a case.
Thanks Andrea!
I found out that using the latest code from integration
only the filename with preceding slash is needed.
You’re welcome!
I was just wondering if you were able to import the images and if the preceding slash was a figment of my imagination or not! ;-)
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I'd like to import images using XML Importer. The files are uploaded manually, so I just need the importer to create the connections between my entries and the physical files.
My problems are quite basic:
This extension is a beast (I know) and a lot of information around is seems to be outdated (yeah) and the forum search really isn't a help (well). Anyhow, anyone around with an idea or a pointer into the right direction?
I'm using Symphony 2.3.3beta2 and XML Importer 2.0 (