
I have had a members site running for awhile now. It's still on 2.2.5. I haven't been working on it quite as much lately, but the SPAM bots have been registering roughly every 15 minutes or so.

For awhile, I would go in every week or so and just delete a ton of the unactivated members out of the system. However, since I haven't been doing that I'm at around 4,000 currently.

The site is still humming along fine on the front-end, but after I log in, the Members section (within the Symphony admin) fails to load.

Can anyone give me any clue of how to troubleshoot this? Heres the error I'm getting on the members page:

Symphony Fatal Database Error Subquery returns more than 1 row An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query SELECT SQLCACHE, e.sectionid, e.author_id, UNIXTIMESTAMP(e.creation_date) AS creation_date FROM sym_entries AS e WHERE 1 AND e.section_id = '1' ORDER BY ( SELECT ed.activated FROM symentriesdata10 AS ed WHERE entry_id = ) asc LIMIT 0, 25

I would go into the database to find the record(s) that are causing the error. Some quick SQL surgery should leave it up and running.

Typing this query should put up a list of the records that are causing the error:

select, count( from symentries AS e join symentriesdata10 as ed on = ed.entry_id group by having count( > 1;

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Don't know how to preserve the underscores in the table names.

That worked like a charm. Thanks so much! Anyone got any tips of what they do to keep SPAM at bay on registration forms? I guess I could hack the event to use a honeypot...

I've used honeypots in the past to great success :)

Good call. I implemented it last night and haven't gotten a drop of spam yet... =)

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