
I'm using Symphony 2.3.2 but none of the extensions for image previewing in the backend seem to work.

Image Preview Image Index Preview Pretty Photo

This leads me to the conclusion that there is something wrong with my CMS installation or environment.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

P.S. I receive no errors the images are simply not previewed.

Image Index Preview should work, Image Preview didn't work for me either.


Apparently someone pushed some updates to Image Index Preview to make it compatible with the upcoming Symphony 2.3.3 release. Have you tried it with Symphony's latest release candidate?

@designermonkey & @brendo Can you create a release for version 1.3 (which worked with Symphony 2.3.2) and create an integration branch for an upcoming version 1.4 until Symphony 2.3.3 is released?

Thank you @jensscherbl

No. I haven't tried with 2.3.3RC3 yet.

I'll give it a try tonight

I've checked. But they still don't work.

Fixed, the 1.3 tag will work for Symphony 2.3.2, the 1.4 tag will work for Symphony 2.3.3 :)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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