Error When Deleting Entries
This is an open discussion with 4 replies, filed under General.
Just upgraded to the Symphony 2.3.5 beta1 and still getting the same perplexing error!
Which extensions do you have installed?
Here is a list:
- admincssoverride
- cacheabledatasource
- conditionalizer
- configuration
- datetime
- debugdevkit
- duplicate_entry
- elasticsearch
- entryurlfield
- export_ensemble
- globalparamloader
- globalresourceloader
- health_check
- html5_doctype
- imageindexpreview
- jitimagemanipulation
- logsdevkit
- maintenance_mode
- markdown
- massuploadutility
- members
- order_entries
- profiledevkit
- reflectionfield
- resave_entries
- saveandreturn
- search_index
- selectboxlinkfield
- subsectionmanager
- textboxfield
- twitter_search
- uniqueuploadfield
- xmlimporter
- xssfilter
Phew! That was longer that I thought.
Any ideas here brendo?
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I have a section called Teachings in our Symphony install (2.3.4) and when I try to delete entries I get this error code thrown in the Logs:
UNKNOWN: SymphonyErrorPage 0 - The page you requested does not exist. on line 650 of /var/www/atheycreek/symphony/lib/core/class.symphony.php
Any ideas on how to tackle this. I checked file ownership and changed permissions recursively to
.Any help anyone could provide here would be incredible helpful.