I am completely new. So about that installation process...
This is an open discussion with 7 replies, filed under Installation.
Hi Bryan, maybe some friends will debrief you further, but you should actually be able to find dozens of walkthroughs and howtos on the net about this topic, e.g. search "how to install LAMP on ubuntu", "ubuntu lamp installation", "how to install apache php mysql" etc. "LAMP" is an used acronym for a "Linux Apache MySQL PHP" web server setup.
You are in best hands with them by far. Thus this is my best recommendation, they are very user friendly.
Let us know about your progress and welcome to the Symphony!
I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 as well. I don't use Apache anymore, having switched to nginx and then OpenLiteSpeed.
Anyway, libapache-mod-php5
interfaces Apache with PHP5. For XSLT support install php5-xsl
and libxslt1.1
. That is part of what needs to be done.
Have you tried using tasksel yet? That should get most of it set up for you, perhaps leaving the XSL stuff to install via apt-get
or aptitude
David, tasksel was really neat! That got most of the things I needed, except the XSL indeed.
On another post, I found that on ubuntu and debian derivatives, the following line installs pretty much everything one needs (allegedly) to begin!
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql php5-xsl php5-curl php5-gd mysql-server
How bout that?
Anyway now that I'm reasonably confident that I now have all the tools and gizmos needed for Symphony to feel comfortable sitting on my machine, I will proceed with the installation until I run into another thing that confuses my meager cognitive ability!
As for my symphony-related endeavors, I am a bit of an entrepreneur who wants to build a website for not-exactly-there-yet writers, and it's not my first rodeo with getting websites built-- but this framework seemed so intuitively ideal to me that I decided I would try it out. I'm hoping that there's a GUI as line-in interfaces scare me.
Have a look at digitalocean.com, they have many good articles and easy to follow tutorials for almost everything server related.
@Bryan_of_Smith: You are talking about a "framework" — are you sure that Symphony is what you want (since it's something in between a CMS and a framework), or have you maybe been looking for Symfony (which is s.th. completely different, a PHP framework)?
It sounds like you're most of the way there Bryan. So now you have the LAMP stack installed on Ubuntu along with all the prerequisites you can go about installing Symphony.
You may want to install something like phpMyAdmin to provide a visual way to create and manage your database(s):
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
Then access it via your web browser:
You then have an easy way to create your database which prepares you for step 4. Follow through that guide and the rest is easy. :)
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I'm making this post to ensure that I'm clear about what I'm doing so I don't do something utterly stupid and ruin my aspirations to use this platform effectively.
So here's the dealio. I'm quite intrigued about Symphony; it seems like a pretty decent segway into web development, which I have always been around but never actually put my hands on. The GUI and models seem really nifty and intuitively common to my normal design approach.
Here's the catch for me though. Apache webservice and other things that I normally have a sysadmin do. I'd like to tinker around with Symphony on my dinky little duo core 1.3ghz laptop that's running ubuntu 13.10. Here's what the installation guide says I need:
X An Apache or Litespeed webserver
Now I've managed to cobble together installing Apache 2.4.6. So I can cross that off my list. To my knowledge, Ubuntu 13.10 comes with PHP pre-installed... but I need to put that on the apache server, don't I?
Can any human explain the items on my list to me as though I were a five year old that frequented sniffing glue?
Much thankslovewelcomebrohug.