
I'm working on a basic poll system.. but I've never created events or used global params before and basically hit a brick wall.. There's a few old threads on this but I was never really sure of the conclusion.

I've used some tips in this thread to build the basic structure. That's all fine. Though I'm real stuck on the events side of things, tracking votes.

Basically I just want to use the best possible structure. In another thread phoque mentions that a custom event would be more suitable and I'd like to know more about how to do that?

I understand it may be more viable to store answers separately opposed to grouped (adding another section)? I've not added any form of tracking yet either.

Here's my xsl page. It's really bad because I'm a noob but hopefully it makes sense what I'm trying to do.

It doesn't work. Debug:

    <section id="10" handle="polls">Polls</section>
    <entry id="61" poll-votes="0">
        <answer1 handle="1">1</answer1>
        <answer2 handle="2">2</answer2>
        <answer3 handle="3">3</answer3>
        <answer4 handle="4">4</answer4>
    <section id="11" handle="poll-votes">Poll Votes</section>
    <error>No records found.</error>

Eventually I would like to add functionality to a forum, where users can create their own poll thread. It would be running on a separate thing, only available to members so may be a bit easier in that respect. With that in mind, it could be cool to add the extra security layer to this default poll; tracking registered users votes as well as other methods but not required now as I don't even have members extension or a forum yet.

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