
Sorry, I have a question. I'm trying to use the EntryManager to grab a filtered list of Entries related by a Selectbox-link field (field 29). I'm not extremely experienced with SQL syntax.

$tasks = EntryManager::fetch($estimateid,1,null,null,"WHERE `relation_id`=$estimateid", "INNER JOIN `e` ON `e`.id=`sym_entries_data_29`.entry_id");

Currently I'm getting an error with that code. Just trying to connect the dots, am I on the right track?

EDIT: I realize this is the kind of stuff datasources are made for. Essentially this code is in the middle of an event and going to duplicate a bunch of entries.

Use SymQL. It's far easier then using the plain EntryManager.

Hmm, I suppose. I'll admit that I was a bit worried since Nick isn't really supporting that extension anymore.

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