
Anyone can advice me whats the best way to serve JIT images for different resolutions / platforms? Thanks

I would say it depends on the markup you will decide for, e.g. as written in A List Apart.

I haven't picked any particular technique yet. As the least thing I just do a width:100%; max-width:_real-width-of-the-image_px; style on the images. An image wrapper like figure or so makes the rest.

You might want to have a look at my port of the BBC's Imager.js for Symphony's JIT - it provides a javascript library that runs on the frontend and requests the best size image for the current screen size from JIT - see the README for full usage instructions.

Firegoby: great solution! Works fine! Didn't like the BBC's Imager.js, but your fork does the job!

this will change everything

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