
Has the CSS editing form been removed? Is there any specific reason for this?

Thanks :-)

P.S. Symphony 2 is great.

Yes, we've taken this functionality out, however the idea is that it will return in the form of an extension. this will allow us (or potentially any developer) to come up with something more feature rich, or something specifically geared towards editing CSS, rather than a basic text editor.

CSS Editing form?

CSS editing was possible in Symphony 1.7 via the Assets area. Im assuming that is what ekerazha means.

Ah right, I just used to edit within CSS Edit 2, so that is why I never clocked on.

Nick do you have a URL, which editor is that?

ah cssedit 2.6 ofcourse ;-)

Related question:

I'm guessing the ability to list (and view) your CSS files in the backend would also have to be handled by this hypothetical extension? i.e. We shouldn't expect to be able to see or manage these files at all from the backend until such an extension was developed?

The new file manager extension will have text/code editing capabilities.

kick ass.

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