

I migrated an 2.4 installation to 2.6.0 and I switched all SBL to association fields using Nils' howto. Everything works fine except from creating new entries associated to another section by using the "Create New" button. Creating a new entry however from the "Show Associations" sidebar works fine.

The error lies within the "Create New" button in a filtered list of entries. It misses the link to the entry. It is:


but it should be:


I add a picture showing both situations.

What might be the reason for this? Did I do something wrong when migrating from SBL to association field? Or is it a 2.6.0 problem?

Thank you for your help Moritz


My gut feeling is that there's a missing update / patch on the Association Field. basically before 2.6 what you describe used to cause an error because it was pre-populating with a string value which caused an error.

What version of Association Field are you using? So I can check it out.

Thanks for your quick reply, gunglien. I am using the newest version, I believe: 1.0.0beta.

The integration branch of the Association Field should be working ok, check it out

Hi brendo, thanks for the hint to the integration branch. I downloaded it and replaced my version. I am afraid it does not work. The entry's id is still not being prepopulated.

The error lies within the "Create New" button in a filtered list of entries. It misses the link to the entry.

I'm getting this exact problem too, but I'm still using the bundled SBL. On a new 2.6.0 site, and on a site upgraded from 2.3.6 to 2.6.0.

Although perhaps I didn't get the correct extension bundle on the new 2.6.0 site. See what happened here.

Hello again. Is this marked for a fix in a future release or does it need to be posted as an issue on Github instead?

Sorry for the delay, the patch has been applied to the current 2.6.x and will be released as 2.6.3 shortly. Thanks for the patience!

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