
Hello ,

Can you please tell me that a web API exist for using symphony?

If yes,Please let me know from where I can get it.

Regards Sonam gupta

Hi Sonam,

There are some extensions which allow you to add API functionality, but what are you trying to achieve maybe we can guide you to the right place.


Hello Gunglien,

I need to see how we can integrate this API with Javascript code or .net web app.

Also, is there any possiblity of recording/saving messages to our local database.

Regards Sonam Gupta

@sonam you could try this:

Hi ,

I have installed the above rest API extension of symphony and now I am trying to access the API using chrome REST client extension but I am getting error as

Fatal error: Class 'Symphony' not found in C:xampphtdocssymphonysymphonylibbootbundle.php on line 17

I have used xamp server and installed symphony also. I am using path as 'http://localhost//symphony/symphony/api/authors'.

In response Header :Status code is of but response body is giving above fatal error.

Can you please support what is wrong with it ?

Regards Sonam Gupta

the path above is C://xampp//htdocs//symphony//symphony//lib//boot//bundle.php

@sonam we've release 1.4.0 which solves this. Thanks !

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