
Hello, our NGO Leapfrog e.V. started with a new website based on symphony. Unfortunatly all links from the homepage end up in "404". Regarding the 404 error i found in the log the message: User Notice: FrontendPageNotFoundException 1024 - The page you requested, /neues-it-bildungsprojekt-in-der-mitume-community-in-kenia-gestartet/, does not exist. on line 328 of /var/www/html/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php

In the URL the content category "news" is missing and when i manually add it in the URL (i.e. /news//neues-it-bildungsprojekt-in-der-mitume-community-in-kenia-gestartet the page is displayed.

Why is the URL not correct on the starting page?

Thank you for support Marco

Hello Marco

To find the answer to your question it would be necessary to find out how your links are being generated (xsl utility or xsl of the page). So far I understand

  • You have a section news
  • The news are being listed on the homepage as links
  • The links should all lead to /news/news-title
  • The generation of links works fine so far, just the path /news/ is missing

Whatever generates the links just needs to add /news( before the handle of the news. Could you supply the xsl file of the homepage?

PS: I just visited your website and it seemd to work just fine.

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