
Is there a way to display a field in the publish entry edit section based on another field's input?

Yes, there's the Reflection Field... that should do what you need

Here's the page for it at SymphonyExtensions, but the README looks a little messed up, so check the Github page above for the latest details.

Thanks @firegoby. I don't think this is the extension I'm looking for. If I understand right, Reflection Field outputs xml based on the other fields in a section entry. I would like to display or hide fields from an entry publish form based on the input of some of the previous fields. I don't think Reflection Field allows me to do that. However, I think there is an extension that does just that but I can't remember the name.

@ovididust I haven’t come across an extension that does this, but there might be. However you could use backend_assets and jQuery your way to success. Shouldn’t be too hard.

I remember a discussion about exactly this topic from years ago, but I'm not sure if the extension that was built around this idea ever made it into a stable version - and it'S probably far away from working with a current version of Symphony. But it might serve as a good starting point for further development...

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