
As far as section links go, they're quite amazing. Combine this with front end entry forms and you don't have to settle for any of the limitations of the Symphony admin with regard to filtering options or modifying section link fields. Just create your own admin page and feed it the data you want.

I have created a single page template as a proof of concept for a proposal building application. It creates a proposal for any available client and allows viewing, adding, editing and copying - all with a single page template.

It requires the following as URL parameters:


(I apologize upfront for the divitis and non-semantic code.)

I imagine this would be a much easier way to import data from any source and feed the data into the proper fields. For anyone wanting a solution for importing from Symphony 1.7 to Symphony 2.0, this might be a good option. Built into the template is the ability to transform HTML into Markdown format, which is the key to making this work quite seamlessly. I'm sure it could easily be adapted for RSS feeds or whatever.

Just so you can get a glimpse of what this can look like, see the attached screenshot.

wowzer. cool

Just so you can get a glimpse of what this can look like...

I'm not even sure what I'm looking at, but it looks awesome! :)


The same as DjR...

I would love to get hands on a Symphony Ensemble of this.

Yeah, it would be better as an ensemble. I'm not quite ready to release this into the wild yet. I was thinking I would create a Symphony admin layout, removing the Domain7 branding so it would demonstrate the possibility of extending the default admin pages. Theoretically, you can develop an entire interface that conceals the inner workings of Symphony, yet provides all that a user would need to create, edit, copy and import all sorts of data. I'm just waiting on an extension for managing author access. I'll keep you posted on when I have an ensemble ready.

Question: couldn't this be the default behaviour from the Symphony team from now on? An admin ensemble like you stated.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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