
I keep getting this message when trying to modify any pages under blueprints. Does anyone else have this problem too?

Fatal error: Cannot make static method Event::about() non static in class eventPostComment in /home/xxxx/publichtml/workspace/events/event.post_comment.php on line 176

I've taken a look at the 176th line and there's only a closing curly braces....

Can you please attach that event here so I can take a look.

I don't believe that there is an event. I just go to the Blueprints -> Pages section and click on one of the pages (About: and that error just appears. I am not even able to see the contents of the page.

Sorry, what I meant was, can you attach the file /home/xxxx/public_html/workspace/events/event.post_comment.php so I can have a look.

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