
After a change of the default domainname for a webhosting account, I am experiencing a huge drop in performance of a Symphony 2.0.2 installation.

Here is the debug information for a simple page (there are pages with a lot more datasources and queries, taking even more time). Note how extremely simple queries take a very long time! Also, the debug page is reloaded for all debug elements which results in differing loading time.

## General details
Engine Initialisation               0.0088 s
Page creation process started       2.8675 s
XML Built                           26.3484 s
XML Generation                      0.0106 s
Page Built                          32.0460 s
XSLT Transformation                 0.0540 s
Page creation complete              34.9678 s 

## Data source execution
category                            1.9795 s
navigation                          0.0142 s
page_content                        2.1788 s
page_content_english                0.8380 s
offers                              12.7974 s
brands                              21.8866 s 

## Event execution
login                               1.7391 s 

## Full page render statistics
Total Database Queries          733
Slow Queries (> 0.09s)          36
Total Time Spent on Queries     18.9537 s
Time Triggering All Events      s
Time Running All Data Sources   s
XML Generation Function          0.0099 s
XSLT Generation                 0.0495 s
Output Creation Time            19.6805 s 

## Slow query details
0.3274      SELECT `session_data` FROM `sm_sessions` WHERE `session` = 'x'
0.8021      UPDATE sm_authors SET `last_seen` = '2009-05-09T14:42:49+02:00' WHERE `id` = '1'
1.3159      SELECT * FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `id` = '1' LIMIT 1
0.6256      SELECT `id` FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `username` = 'x' AND `password` = 'x' LIMIT 1
0.9221      UPDATE sm_authors SET `last_seen` = '2009-05-09T14:42:52+02:00' WHERE `id` = '1'
0.1203      SELECT * FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `id` = '1' LIMIT 1
0.1065      SELECT `id` FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `username` = 'x' AND `password` = 'x' LIMIT 1
0.5974      SELECT * FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `id` = '1' LIMIT 1
1.5981      UPDATE sm_authors SET `last_seen` = '2009-05-09T14:42:54+02:00' WHERE `id` = '1'
0.5662      SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date_gmt`) AS `creation_date_gmt` FROM `sm_entries` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `sm_entries_data_201` AS t201_1 ON ( = t201_1.entry_id) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '17' AND t201_1.value = 'yes' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, 1
1.1847      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_151` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
1.2855      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_148` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.1515      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_138` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.9987      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_139` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.1764      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_140` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
1.2645      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_141` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
1.7653      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_173` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.5964      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_175` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.6398      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_176` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.6281      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_179` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.6667      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_180` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.5190      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_181` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.3584      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_182` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.1568      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_183` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.2110      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_184` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.4722      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_190` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.2757      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_191` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.7870      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_192` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
1.2005      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_201` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.1243      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_242` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC
0.4512      SELECT * FROM `sm_entries_data_241` WHERE `entry_id` IN ('334') ORDER BY `id` ASC

That is indeed very slow. Try running a local build and see what the performance difference is like - I’m guessing, no nearly as slow.

It runs much faster locally (Output Creation Time 0.1327 s), and also with the old domain name (Output Creation Time around 1 s, but still).

Total Time Spent on Queries (18.9537 s) is very large compared to Output Creation Time (19.6805 s). So, I guess it is database related? Could this be caused by for instance query caching?

Wow, those query times are very large. What processor/server are you on?

1.3159      SELECT * FROM `sm_authors` WHERE `id` = '1' LIMIT 1

That’s a very simple query, so it’s odd that it’s so slow.

I don’t know the server specifications, but they should be ok. I am running another S1.7 install on a similar server (same company).

I asked support about the performance problems and they said that none of the popular (busy) websites on the server using MySQL are experiencing anything similar.

There was a bug in Symphony that caused the session table to get very large. Check your DB and see if that’s the case. You can just clean that table and check to see if that helps with performance.

The session table was not very large, I have applied the fix that was posted in the respective topic.

However, the problem seems to have been fixed automagically. I am getting a whooping Output Creation Time of 0.9393 s.

Far cry from the 34s you had before. Gratz.

Probably related to server load at the time.

I was experiencing similar delays while moving my local install to the server and pointing the first domain name to the server. Is it possible that somehow this can be a DNS issue?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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