
Your English seems to be pretty good to me. At any rate, I don’t think we need to be anglo-centric here. It would be great to make this a multi-lingual resource. It could help with further developing and perfecting the i18n and L10n features and extensions for Symphony.

Submit in the language you feel comfortable. Offer translations if you can. I’d be happy to be an editor when English needs to be cleaned up. I’m sure there are others who could offer translations.

I remember when Textpattern was English only. They have quite a few translations now. TextBook went a long way to helping people understand the system and grow the user base. I would imagine the same could be true for Symphony. In my mind, it’s a far superior system. It’s just taken a while to arrive at a feature stable version.

In truth, very little has changed as far as the templating system goes, since it is XSLT. For Symphony, the changes have been happening in database management and feature abstraction. If I had focused more on documenting XSLT than on the inner workings of Symphony, I might already have a good list of tutorials.

But that’s what I used this forum for. The forum has been more stable than my own sites for storing XSLT snippets. If I click on the Filter link, I have 7 pages of threads that I have contributed to. And that’s just me. Many others have contributed significantly more than I have. I would think we just need to organize this material in some fashion to create a wide variety of tutorials from beginner to advanced.

Hi @all

I find this idea very nice long time ago i started with textpattern and the tutorials on they were very usefull much exaples where there its much easyer to start with some snippets and code examples.

Yes, I most certainly agree. I’ve worked with Wordpress and ExpressionEngine, but the strength that they have over you guys is that there is such a wealth of material online for learning how to use the CMS’s. (Especially Wordpress, I can type a ridiculously specific question into Google and get results/examples!)

Some more beginner tutorials (updated for the most recent version of Symphony) are very necessary, as well as some good basic tutorials about XML/XSLT. These are the key to expanding how many people use Symphony and your community.

Some more beginner tutorials (updated for the most recent version of Symphony) are very necessary

Looking forward to your contributions.

as well as some good basic tutorials about XML/XSLT.

As much as I’m looking to expand this section over the next week, I’m not going to reinvent the wheel. There are literally thousands of resources on XML/XSLT.

I want to show the active and not active items on my website and I’m trying to validate this filter inside my xslt document but it doesn’t do anything.

    <xsl:when test="publish-from &gt;= $today and publish-to &lt;= $today">active</xsl:when>

I also tried to use

    <xsl:when test="publish-from = $today">active</xsl:when>

And this peice of code worked just fine.

You’re testing two conditionals in the first statement using an AND operator, so they’ll both need to be $today for the test to pass. If you want to test one or the other just switch the and to or.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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