Symphony Tutorials
This is an open discussion with 39 replies, filed under General.
I think it would be great if these kind of tutorials could be added to a tutorial section here on this website.
Feel free to copy, edit, adapt as needed for the documentation. Markdown text is available for all entries by clicking on the Text links. Once I have reached a certain critical mass in the development of this site, I will release it as an ensemble for training purposes, including links from the entries to the relevant admin pages, since it all uses clean URLs now.
If I have made any errors or you have any suggestions in regard to editorial style, terminology, etc., please let me know. Thanks.
That’s fantastic, this is extremely useful!
We do intend to have a tutorial section on this site. As soon as we’ve put one up, if you don’t mind, I’d like to port your article across to this site (all credits to you of course).
Thanks, Allen! Glad to offer what I can in the way of documentation / tutorials. Feel free to use them as you see fit.
I’ve added a few more. See above.
Stephen, this is awesome! Thanks for pulling this together!
Thanks, Brian. Although, I have my mind set on a certain set of tutorials to start with, I’m open to ideas for future posts. Just let me know what would be helpful. There’s going to be a lot that I don’t know. But this gives me a reason to figure it out. You’ll probably find me asking people how it’s done. It could make for some good interviews.
I added a few more to walk through using the document() function to import XML, to create an event and to populate a front-end form to import XML from a WordPress export file to an Entries section in Symphony.
My first contributing author, Michael Eichelsdörfer, submitted a tutorial about running multiple domains on a single Symphony install: Ninja Domains: A Multi-Domain Setup using the Symphony XSLT Content Management System.
Would this work with a couple of subdomains on one domain?
Great stuff, Stephen :)
I can’t take any credit for this latest article (I have yet to give this one a try). The Ninja Domains tutorial is all michael-e.
@newnomad, I’ll leave your question to michael-e to answer. My best guess, though, would be yes.
Nicely done Stephen.
@newnomad: Yes, it would work with as many subdomains as you need. But the “login phenomenon” (logins being domain-specific) will actually depend on Symphony’s long-term implementation of my proposal on the bug tracker. In simple words: I am not sure if, or when, sessions will be “site-wide” if you are using subdomains. (Implementing my proposal would actually improve the situation.)
@bauhouse: It was your interest in this solution that empowered me to write the tutorial.
@anybody: There is an implementation of this technique which has been running for months without any problems:
(These are German websites. They are websites of a political party. Never mind. You will find this “fine-grained control” over code and content which is mentioned in the tutorial.)
I have already implemented this technique in an advanced SSL environment. The website is still work in progress, so there is nothing to be seen online. But If anybody is interested in using SSL (subdomains), I could think about “Ninja Domains, Part 2”…
@bauhouse - awesome! thanks so much for compiling these tutorials. they are very helpful and add a great depth to the existing documentation. thanks for always being willing to share the new things you learn.
@michael-e - I would love to see Ninja Domains Part 2. thanks for sharing your example of multiple domains on one symphony installation.
@michael-e - I would love to see Ninja Domains Part 2.
I had an awful feeling this might happen…
Well, sure! I’ll try my very best.
@bzerangue: Sorry, I am experiencing very busy times. Part 2 is on my To-Do list. But I have to finish some client work before I can write this.
@michael-e: No worries! I definitely understand. Thanks so much for the update!
You are really fast, bzerangue! Are you living here?
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I’ve been wanting to get beyond the basic Symphony tutorials for a while now as an excuse to try out the extensions and utilities that have been developed recently. I never did finish my original set of tutorials for 1.7, then Symphony 2 beta came along and I thought I’d try again. Now, 2.0.2 seems stable enough to continue the effort.
So far, the tutorials include the following:
More to Come
I don’t want to promise anything, but I have full intention of continuing the process of my live build of the site. Next step: adding sidebar navigation and the commenting system. I will be borrowing heavily from the default Spectrum theme for a while. Then, I will begin to add other more advanced features as I go and as I learn. They say teaching goes a long way towards learning.
That being said, be aware that the site is in a very unfinished state and will be evolving over time. Eventually, I want to demonstrate the possibility of importing XML from a WordPress export. We’ll see how I go.
Update: 25 May 2009
I’ve got the WordPress import working. Next up: comments, archives, categories and tags.
Update: 15 June 2009
My first contributing author, Michael Eichelsdörfer, submitted a tutorial about running multiple domains on a single Symphony install.