
@klaftertief just discovered your screencast while Googling for Symphony. This is fricking amazing! Any idea when you’ll get round to releasing this?

I haven’t read the whole thread, but wondered how difficult it would be to add a feature request: enforcing aspect ratio. With many of our clients we have set image sizes that match the design grids (4:3, 16:9 etc.) and it would be amazing if these could be set so that the client can only crop to a fixed ratio.

I’ll release the plugin probably in one or two weeks. But due to time constraints the first version will work with upload fields only. The implementation for textareas has to wait for v2 or something. Spare time is rare time.

@nickdunn Regarding your feature request: the plugin is capable of three aspect ratio modes at the moment. The modes are implicitly defined from the ratios defined in the options of an imagecropper field.

The modes:

  • free: no ratio defined -> no constraints
  • select: multiple ratios defined -> the user can choose the ratio with a select-box
  • fixed: one ratio defined -> the user can only crop to this ratio

Hope the info helps.

Can’t wait :-)

This is great work! looking forward to test driving it when you have it ready..

A first public version is available for testing and feedback.

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