
Here is a change log for Symphony 2 beta revision 2


  • #26: Added 0770 permission to installer.
  • #18: Can now disable MySQL query caching via the configuration.


  • #15: XSL wrapper in /symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php now uses a local file system path. This stops problems related to using allowurlfopen on some servers
  • #23: Using rawurlencode() and rawurldecode() to ensure that the filter strings are valid.
  • #25: Link on publish form, to create fields, is now correct.
  • #22: Correctly escaping strings used by Select Box field.
  • #17: Filenames of utilities correctly generated. Extension is properly identified.
  • #21: Installer email validation is now less strict, and more accurate.
  • #8: Archiver class now correctly passes any flags set when traversing directories.
  • #12: Ensemble installer file is now PHP4 compatible so that users on PHP4 will correctly see the message about requiring PHP5 for installation. Previously it just threw a fatal error with no indication why.
  • #9: Installer will now check to make sure there is no existing /symphony/.htaccess file and that /symphony is writable.
  • #20: System forbidden error page login link has been fixed.
  • #10: Fixed DB structure of the sections table to make the hidden and entry_order_direction to allow NULL values.
  • #14: Fixed spelling mistakes in date-time.xsl utility.
  • #16: 'Create Another?' link for sections has been corrected.

It's out, go grab it from your Symphony accounts profile.

Ok, just so I know. Do we just upload all the files except the workspace folder, and then run the install.php again?

According to the fixes, you should be okay doing that. I personally would recommend wiping it clean and doing a fresh install, as I did.

As per the README.txt:


1. Backup /symphony/.htaccess

2. Replace /symphony & index.php with those contained in this archive.

3. Run the following SQL, changing sym_ to match your table prefix, to get 
   your database up to date:

    ALTER TABLE `sym_sections` 
    CHANGE `entry_order_direction` `entry_order_direction` 
    ENUM('asc', 'desc') NULL DEFAULT 'asc',
    CHANGE `hidden` `hidden` 
    ENUM('yes',  'no') DEFAULT 'no';

4. Dance likes it 1999!

There should be a step 2.2, which is to put the backed up /symphony/.htaccess into the new /symphony folder.

To be clear, the update process for beta will be a bit hands on. I haven't had time, nor the inclination, to write update code for the installer (it will be there eventually though). The README.txt file contained in each beta revision (currently rev 2) will outline exactly what you need to do in order to update from the last version. If you are in doubt, do a clean install. Remember this is beta, so if you are using it for a production site, and find you have problems updating, you have been warned!

lol, I never read the readme files to demonstrate I'm not a sheep.



LOL good one, dave.

lol, ruff!

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