
A new Extension, “Rainbow Headline” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Have you ever had two or more installations of Symphony open in several tabs? Have you ever had problems differentiating those tabs, making changes to one of those sites that were supposed to go into another one?

Admin Rainbow Headline comes to the rescue. It lets you set any RGB-Color for the headline (the dark grey block at the top of Symphonys backend), making it easier to differentiate them.

Example Screenshot Example Screenshot Example Screenshot

This is a cool idea!

It is more simple to use than my Admin CSS Override extension. So the latter is just an alternative if you want to make more changes to the admin CSS.

However, it would be good to have an uninstall function, removing the settings from config.php:

public function uninstall(){

It is more simple to use than my Admin CSS Override extension.

I know that extension and I like it. I just wanted to simplify things to quickly install it on all sites I run/develop on. :-)

However, it would be good to have an uninstall function.

I’ll implement that right away, thanks!

@phoque, I was just thinking about this the other day. Great implementation! Thanks.


You need to rename the folder to admin_rainbow_headline so that it matches the class name. Otherwise Symphony does not recognize the extension.

It would also be nice to change the bottom color to match (if I were pretending to be Martha Stewart like).

Lewis: great idea. But now I am stuck with my old origin and can't add the new one (the one with the underscores).

Ah, git remote rm origin was what I was looking for. Update pushed to GitHub.

It would also be nice to change the bottom color to match (if I were pretending to be Martha Stewart like).

Would be rather easy to implement by adding the #usr selector in line 45 of extension.driver.php.

But who is Martha Stewart???

Now we are cooking with color!

But who is Martha Stewart???

You don’t know Martha Stewart! She runs a media empire (probably just mainstream in the US).

She runs a media empire (probably just mainstream in the US).

Well, I see. Here in good ol’ Germany the empire has not arrived yet.

Update: This extension will now also generate a (unicolor) favicon based on the color you chose. This feature works for all browsers except IE.

Update: I’ve added support for MrBlank’s Color Chooser Field popup. If you have both extensions installed you will see the usual color wheel to select a color from.

If you’ve only installed admin rainbow headline, you’ll have to enter the HEX RGB values as usual.

Nice! I just noticed that if the color chooser extends below the browser window frame you don’t get a scrollbar. I wonder if there’s a way to keep the chooser in view …

Nice! I just noticed that if the color chooser extends below the browser window frame you don’t get a scrollbar. I wonder if there’s a way to keep the chooser in view …

Yup, I wanted to post an issue in your bug tracker.

Maybe a few lines of Javascript to find out if there is enough space to put the popup below the input, otherwise put it above?

I’ve updated the Color Chooser Field to fix that problem. Once I figure out Github again, I’ll publish it. :-)


Your extension throws a fatal error if you don’t have the imagebmp extension. It’s bad enough that the back end won’t function at all until you comment that bit out of your extension. Just removing the extension from the extensions folder didn’t turn it off.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagebmp() in /Users/jnichols/Sites/sym-test/extensions/admin_rainbow_headline/extension.driver.php on line 61

EDIT: I think this is a problem on my end. I don’t have my local server set up right or my permissions are messed up. Sorry for the false alarm!

SOLUTION: from phoque

Probably your PHP has short_open_tag disabled. Try replacing <? by <?php.

Rainbow Headline updated to version 1.2 on 2nd of December 2009

Replaced <? by <?php to prevent problems if short_open_tag is not enabled.

Uh, I didn’t know I posted this. ;-)

Yes, there is a cool “auto-posting robot” here in the new forum!

Rainbow Headline updated to version 1.3 on 26th of January 2010

Switched favicon format from “image/” using inofficial imagebmp()-functions to “image/png”. Internet Explorer will not display the favicon.

Sorry about the Internet Explorer, but the messy imagebmp()-thing never felt right in the first place. :-)

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