

Not sure I completely understand the question. You would start by creating a DS that filters your 'featured' field = 'yes'. That should exclude all the other entries. Then you would use that DS only on the page you want to add the 'featured' content.


right, i have that set up already. However, my question is to do the opposite of that. I have a "shop" link. from the shop, you can filter by section/subsection parameters. However, I want to only have the "featured" items return results when the section parameter is empty.

Since I'm only using one page right now that includes both the featured DS and the section/shop DS, it will return results for both section and featured when i go to a page that is not the "featured" page. That's the issue i'm having.

I'm not sure if I understand the whole setting but have you tried this for your checkbox in the featured DS:


This means: filter by the value of $section unless it is not set (use yes in this case). As the checkbox field only excepts yes or no as value, $section will result in an error and the DS won't return anything until $section is empty. Is this the result your looking for?

@nils, thanks, that seemed to do the trick. I didn't think about using enumeration when i was filtering with a checkbox

Is there a syntax to pull all entries that have been created during the last month: if today is the 16th of May, I’d like to get all entries between 16th of April and today.

Is there a correct way to make this line into clean urls combining $hours which is a url param and the DS params listed after the ? in the link:

<a href='{$root}/{$current-page}/{$hours}?s={$current-language}-job-title&amp;o={$alternate-order}'

Initial page will be:

<a href='{$root}/{$current-page}/{$hours}

So the s and o DS params are conditional based on other links for sorting the data.. I have read about the enumeration that Allen has spoken about but being as I have the languague variable in the url I was not sure how to structure the url. This is what I had so far.

<a href='{$root}/{$current-page}/{$hours:($ur-s:{$current-language}-job-title):($url-o:{$alternate-order})}></a>

Not sure if it would work as I haven’t tested yet. Wanted to get feedback on the syntax really.

Ye that doesn’t work.. the $url-s:to-date and $url-o:desc are values that are dynamically set with session monster when links are clicked containing defined values for $url-s: and $url-o:.

Hmmm Question: Is it possibly to contain a dynamic DS parameter inside parameter in the url? Not sure if this is the right way to say it though?

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