
A new Extension, “Localisation Manager” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

A Symphony CMS Extension to manage back-end localisations.

Available languages

Localisation Manager currently supports the following languages:

  • German, containing:
    • Symphony Core
    • Debug DevKit
    • Export Ensemble
    • JIT Image Manipulation
    • Maintenance Mode
    • Profile DevKit
    • Field: Select Box Link

If you like to contribute new languages or if you like to extend existing ones, please read the instructions below.

Enabling localisation

After installing Localisation Manager successfully, you’ll find a new setting in your preferences allowing you to switch the system language. Authors can override this global preference with a custom setting in their profiles.





Extending and creating languages

If you like to to edit, extend, or create a language file, visit /symphony/extension/localisationmanager/ in your browser. Enter your language details and download an up-to-date language file. Leaving all fields blank will create a clean, untranslated language file. Providing details of an already existing language will create a new file containing all existing strings, leaving out obsolete string but highlighting all missing ones. Localisation Manager will automatically grab language strings for all extensions currently present in your extensions folder no matter if they are activated or not.


Please note: If you are downloading an existing language file, all language strings that are not needed in your current setup will be deleted. If you like to keep all strings, you’ll have to upload all extensions mentioned in the original language file.

Using language files

Newly created or edited language files can be uploaded either to /symphony/lib/lang/ or /extensions/localisationmanager/lang/ and will be instantly available for use.

Sharing language files

If you like to contribute new or updated language files, please fork this repository and commit your changes.


This extension makes use of the Translation Manager class written by Marcin Konicki.

Change log

Version 1.0.1:

  • Added dynamic JavaScript translation generation.
  • Fixed issue with escaped double quotes.

Version 1.0.0:

  • Initial release.

amazing! Good work Nils!

Nice one - sehr schön!


Congratulations on your latest creation, Nils! I’m planning to release an Italian localisation for Symphony as soon as possible. Volunteers are already gathering on Google Groups in order to coordinate efforts. People interested in contributing their time to the project, please feel free to team up and help us out with the translation. :)

Are there any votes for extensions besides the ones coming with the default installation which should be supported?

By the way: Is Localisation Manager the correct spelling? I have seen localization, too, and I’m not sure if I’m mixing up British, American, Australian and German “I think this is English” English.

If you find typos in the localisation interface or in the readme file, please send me an email, fork the repository or post it here - it’s always appreciated and helpful!

@eKoeS: Please send me a pull request via GitHub when you finished your Italian localisation. I’d be glad to add your translations!

Maybe it would be good to use separate repositories for each language file which can then be integrated as submodule? Does anybody know a good guide how to create git submodules?

By the way: Is Localisation Manager the correct spelling? I have seen localization, too, and I’m not sure if I’m mixing up British, American, Australian and German “I think this is English” English.

With an s is the British spelling (which they use in Australia as well I think). The z is the American spelling. Being British I’m happy to see it with an s :-)

This is awesome. I’m working on a Swedish localization right now.

(if anyone wanna help I’m available in on IRC)

Version 1.0.1

Just added dynamic translation for admin.js. If you like to translate the interface into your own language, please download version 1.0.1 from GitHub:

All JavaScript related strings are handled in the main language file as well. You’ll find a new section in your language file, if you go to /symphony/extension/localisationmanager/ in your browser and re-download your language file using the same name and language code.

@Arood: Great!

So we’ll have Italian, Swedish and German soon. Any volunteers for other languages?

@Nils Brazilian Portuguese also.

@rainerborene: Just as a note – Symphony can handle language codes like pt-br even though English and German translations are currently stored as en and de.

@Nils The generated file doesn’t escape single quotes. Can you fix that please?


Pushed a fix (should only have been a problem in missing translation strings).

Did I do something wrong? Take a look at this.

That is strange!

You are using a local Symphony setup on a Mac, right?
Can you mail me your current language file?

Found the problem: There was a bug in the regex used to extract language codes from the file name.

Fixed on GitHub.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Compatible Hosts

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