
I'm playing with rev 2 at the moment and I'm having two troubles while in Sections.

I had originally created a section without any fields. Saved and checked to see if the section was created. All good.

I went back to add a Project Title field and all was good (note I didn't include required). I went back again to add a Project Description field and all was good (again everything default).

I realized, however, that the Description got arranged to something that I had not expected. The Project Description column shows before the Title column in the actual Section page. So I tried to modify order by dragging the fileds around. Saved and still the order was alphabetical. So that's the first issue.

Second issue is regarding the required field. Along with the ordering it seems that it's not recording that I'd like the Project Title to be required input, but it doesn't record my selection on save.

Could be the same "save" function causing the problem.

An update. I went ahead and deleted and started from scratch. It seems something to do with the update procedure. If I select and add all the initial fields with the required or optional settings, etc. everything works fine.

If I go back, however, and I attempt to update any settings (again changing the required, for instance) then all hell breaks lose. Any further attempts to keep the order or to modify settings are not recorded.

Thanks for picking this up. Looks like it's a bug. Could you please add this to the bug list please?

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