
For some past projects a script to check the status of URL (e.g. if they are not found or working correctly) has come in very handy. I envision an URL checker field which displays the status of the URL entered with several status icons in the create/edit entry screens and entry overview. However, before starting the development of another extension I am wondering if you guys are waiting on such functionality.. So, what do you think?

I was recently thinking about wrapping functionality around existing regular fields. For example creating a trackback input field without re-creating the text input field.

I envisioned an abstract extension providing the basic tools, creating the delegates and saving the settings to the database etc.

The actual wrappers extend that extension/class by simply implementing the callbacks for a certain field type.

Of course wrappers should be able to be nested as often as you like.

The resulting functionality could be things like: trackback, pingback, a URL status checker etc.

I have also thought of wrapping functionality around existing fields to provide the possibility to give every field a description.

Since I’m not exactly a PHP genius it is easier for me to simply modify an existing field.

Of course, the problem with some of the field extensions that we have now is that these derived fields will be out of date if the original field is updated.

It’s encouraged to look at fields as single, self-contained entities. Inter-field dependancy will not be a fun exercise for either the developer or the people using it.

Would hate for users to have to follow a series of convoluted steps to get a field working.

I wasn’t thinking of inter-field dependancy but adding functionality to the backend.

Fields will not be able to share single wrappers.

What about a URL Field that checks whether or not the specified URL returns a HTTP 200 Code and adds an attribute to the XML in the datasource like:

<url handle="http-wwwgooglecom" exists="yes"></url>

Or taking it a step further, check the HTTP code and return the code:

<url handle="http-wwwgooglecom" status-code="200"></url>

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