
A new Extension, “File Manager” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

It’s not working in 2.0.7 beta, any way to repair it?

Error that i see:

Argument 1 passed to extension_filemanager::buildBreadCrumbs() must be an array, null given, called in /home/stobrava/webapps/malitowski/extensions/filemanager/content/content.browse.php on line 77 and defined

An error occurred in /home/stobrava/webapps/malitowski/extensions/filemanager/extension.driver.php around line 145

BTW this is really great extension and in 2.0.6 works like a charm :)

File Manager updated to version 0.9 on 2nd of February 2010

Big thanks to Craig for the latest batch of fixes.

Please test, folks, especially on 2.0.7RC1.

Works so far. I found that some file types are not editable within textarea, eg: .sql, .markdown, .htm(l), .tpl… Sometimes editing them is useful for extension developers.

Does this work for 2.2 or is there a similiar extenstion it?

Not yet.

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