Give out Linked Sections from DS
This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under Troubleshooting.
Do you have anything inside the <xsl:for-each />? The for-each lets you loop through each menu entry, but you have to tell Symphony what you want to do with the entry once it's there. For instance:
<xsl:for-each select="/data/menus/entry"> <xsl:value-of select="." /> </xsl:for-each>
value-of will give output the contents of the element, and the "." just means 'self' or in this case, the 'entry' element. If you have put html in the 'entry', you can use copy-of instead of value-of.
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Hi at all
I want to give out sections as links to navigate trought. but i don't become a result i have created an section called "Menu" and a DS Called "Menus" the souce there is Menue i havent got any filter options or other things only in the includet elements I have the field "Titel" activated wich is form Menu. So I have tried with
<xsl:for-each select="/data/menus/entry"></xsl:for-each>
and some old tutorials from 1.7 but no result came out. had anyone an Idea or a tipp for me?