
The Frontend class doesn't have the equivalent method, so in this scenario, Administration::instance() is the correct usage.

that's the odd part. the link is generated just fine, but if i click on the entry url, i get

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in (..)/extensions/entryurlfield/fields/field.entry_url.php on line 124

edit: figured it out, doesn't play nicely with section schemas.

Hi All,

Is this extension know to be incompatible with 2.2.3? I'm having trouble making it work.


I'm having trouble making it work.

I haven't tested it myself. What trouble?

When I try to add the field to a section I get this:

The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sym_entries_data_43` ( `id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `entry_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `value` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `entry_id` (`entry_id`), FULLTEXT KEY `value` (`value`) )

I'm guessing it's more to do that the table creation SQL doesn't specify MyISAM table types. Are you running MySQL 5.5? This defaults to InnoDB tables, which doesn't support FULLTEXT (just yet anyway)

I'm running MySQL 5.5.9 but all tables are MyISAM. I think I will test the field on a fresh install of 2.2.3 just to see how it goes.

You were right Brando, I didn't realised the table was not created yet. I have just added ENGINE = MYISAM; to the SQL queries and it now work perfectly fine! Thanks.

I'm getting this error:

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in /usr/home/ on line 91

When I try to save an entry from the frontend with symphony 2.2.3

Try changing that line to:

$fm = new FieldManager(Symphony::Engine());

@nickdunn: Yes, now works perfect. Thank you Nick.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I need to use absolute urls, right? So if I move my symphony installation to the production environment, I will have to rename the urls, because I currently have the install in /project and it will end up in /. The "publish shortcuts" plugin support {$root} in the url field. How would I add that to this extension? I don't exactly understand the copmile() function...

Ah, it's here I guess:

Not sure if nick or anyone is still keeping this one up. I know that the current system just pulls up the existing entry.

I'd like to build up some urls from some dynamic stuff; mainly a url of a page for myself is dependent on its parents select-box-link. Which in normal XML terms just returns one level up. Would it be possible to loop through these without basically hijacking the select-box-link field. to get at least up and obtain the handle up to the top-most parent.

I'm trying to use this field along with a reflection field so I can reflect a hashed value into the URL, but it doesn't seem to want accept the hash reflectionfield I'm using. Is this a limitation of either field where the values are actually compiled in a different manor and therefore the Entry URL field can't parse the reflection fields resulting value?

Is this a limitation of either field where the values are actually compiled in a different manor and therefore the Entry URL field can't parse the reflection fields resulting value?

Yes indeed.

Before saving the entry, entry data is processed. Both EntryUrl and Reflection store the current values of the entry in order to process later in EntryPostCreate/ EntryPostEdit delegates.

So both extensions use original entry values. Final entry values are obtained after these delegates have fired.

Ah bugger. Can you think of a way I could include a hashed value in the Entry URL at all?

Would altering an input field with a small extension that listens to EntryPostCreate delegate and have it change the static value be the best approach here?

It's cool, I altered the Hash field to make a new one called Hash ID Field which grabs the entry ID and hashes it into a static field value in the DB. Woop.

Entry URL can then work with this value as it's available upon save/edit.

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