
A new extension, “Enable CodeMirror” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This seems like a cool extension - thanks oleae. However I can’t seem to get it to work (Safari and Firefox [OSX] tested). Aside form installing the extension, do I need to anything else?

Hmmm, same here. Something must be missing.

Enable CodeMirror updated to version 1.1 on 1st of December 2009

With v1.1 I don’t see any code at all in the code textareas.

I disabled all extensions, and then it didn’t work for me as well.

I found out that i was only working when I had “Calendar Overlay” extension enabled. That extension enables jQuery, and enables the use of the $()-jQuery-function.

Now I I changed all “$()” to “jQuery()”. Installed it on a fresh Symphony installation now, and it seems to work.

Michael: Hm. Strange.. Witch browser are you using? I have tested in Chrome and Firefox.

An older release of the Calendar Overlay?

Yep, jQuery in the backend runs in noConflict mode so the $ variable doesn’t represent the jQuery object in the global scope. Sounds like the Calendar Overlay is breaking the rule and adding the $ to the global scope itself.

If you want to use $ in your scripts you can define it within a closure and go from there:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // now I'm out of the global scope
    $ = jQuery;

In version 1.1 I have used the jQyery object instead of $…

buzzomatic: Version 1.0.3 of the Calendar Overlay.

It was originally written before Symphony used jQuery, I released a new version yesterday that doesn’t include its own copy.

Synchronisation. Love it :)

The latest build works perfectly, thank you.

I am not sure why it doesn’t work for me. Maybe some incompatibilty with another extension. (I tried this on my test version of Symphony, which is rather “crowded”.)

I tried Safari and Firefox (latest versions) on the Mac.

I found the problem and will post it on the issue tracker.

Submitting issues seems to be broken, so I post it here:

The extension will break (and render textareas completely useless) if Symphony is running in a subdirectory (i.e. not in the webserver’s root directory).

The problem can be solved by replacing lines 11 and 12 of init.js with the following:

  stylesheet: Symphony.WEBSITE + "/extensions/codemirror/assets/css/xmlcolors.css",
  path: Symphony.WEBSITE + "/extensions/codemirror/assets/js/",

Sweet! Maybe you could combine it with my Enable Tabkey extension to, well, enable the tabkey in the editor. :-)

The tabkey works. It’s just different from what you might expect – it corrects line indendation to the “calculated value”. (I found this the codemirror docs. This behaviour may be changed, of course.)

As far as I see, codemirror’s indentation will always be “space”-based, not “tab”-based.

Enable CodeMirror updated to version 1.2 on 1st of December 2009

Michael: Thanks for the solution. Uploaded a new release. I didn’t know about Symphony.WEBSITE. Is that documented?

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