
Does anyone have recommendations for hosting audio?

I am finishing up a project for a client that has a 20+MB audio file they would like to link to from their site, and will likely have more in the future. With most php upload configuration limitations being less than that, any type of upload field will be out of the question. They don’t need to embed it, just be able to link to it.

They seem to be comfortable enough with posting video to Vimeo. Are there any services for audio that are akin to Vimeo? Thanks.

Thanks. I’ve been looking around for something like that.

Amazon S3 services are also nice.

Thanks @czheng that looks like it would do the trick. I appreciate it.

I second bzerangue, Amazon S3 is what we have used for hundreds of hours of audio. Upright is a marvelous piece of software for one-click uploading that we have a variety of admin assistants using to upload to the correct buckets (directories) on S3.

Seconded. If you’re on a Mac give S3Hub a go. Add the Cloudfront layer on top of S3 and you get a CDN with geo-localised caches for even faster serving speeds.

If you’re on a Mac and are using Transmit for FTP tasks, you already have all you need. It works with S3 as well.

Add the Cloudfront layer on top of S3 and you get a CDN with geo-localised caches for even faster serving speeds.

Yes, Cloudfront decreases ping times significantly – I did some measurements on this.

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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