
A new extension, “System Id Field” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Initial release with all planned features and no planned bugs.

Do you usually plan your bugs? :-)

He’s that good. Gotta keep things interesting.

System Id Field updated to version 1.0.2 on 8th of December 2009

Cheers Rowan!

Is there any reason I can’t choose a System ID field as an option when creating a Selectbox Link? I can’t seem to find why it won’t show on the list. Any ideas?

The field probably doesn’t have the isFilterable or canPrepopulate booleans set. Should be a quick fix for Rowan to add this functionality in.

Cheers Nick!

    public function canPrePopulate(){
        return true;

Fixed it :-)

Riiight, but I can’t add it into my select box link

Does this work with 2.2.2 seems like its not showing up in my sections anymore.

I think in some cases this might be pretty useful. So I'd love to see this is being updated for Symphony 2.3. (The Git repo doesn't exist any more, does it?)

I think this is now owned by symphonists on GitHub but the repo has yet to be added to the Symphony Extensions site.

You could mimic the System Id Field with the Reflection Field by adding {entry/@id} into the expression setting. I don't know if the master branch works with 2.3, but the experimental branch should work.

I was having issues with this extension in 2.3.3. and I just edited lines 10 and 11 of field.systemid.php from this:

public function __construct(&$parent) { parent::__construct($parent);

to this:

public function __construct() { parent::__construct();

It seems to work! Here is the file if anyone wants to try to use it for Symphony 2.3.3:

Actually that just kept the errors from having. Any of my entries with System ID fields fail to write the ID in the field upon save. Any idea on if this will be updated for 2.3.3 Rowan?

Actually I may just do the Reflection Field magic, thanks for the tip Jonas!

I agree, this can be quite a useful extension to have in some cases. I could certainly do with it at the moment.

Has anyone got this working with 2.3.3? If not, I'm not fully familiar with what's changed over the period of 2.2 to 2.3.3 to know where to start in updating it to work with the latest codebase. Any pointers in what to look for or where to start?

I'm using it fine in 2.3.3

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