
Or you can just use a string with single quotes, since this will be evaluated as a string in an XPath expression:


Erm, yes. That is far superior. Thanks Nick!

I am unable to create an XML Importer with a Source URL domain that includes a hyphen (…). Removing the hyphen allows it to be saved, after which, I manually edited the importer PHP to add the hyphen.

I am using the unstable branch from Git. Doesn’t seem to affect the 0.10 release.

[EDIT] Should’ve checked the issue tracker: #8: Does not like dashes in URL’s

Hello - using this (fantastic!) extension, is it possible to pull in authenticated / private feeds, such as rss feeds from an online database?

Regards, Rick

I reckon you’d have to create the standard Importer, then modify the file created under /workspace/xml-importers to add the authentication in.

It would be cool however, in a future version to add an authentication section in the XML Importer for this use case!

If the feeds support basic Authentication you could do it via the URL in the interface

Never thought of that

Thanks folks.

Is this extension going to be updated and made 2.2 ready? This extension is huge.

Also, it would be nice of the unstable code would be moved to the master branch. Because the extension doesn’t work (at least on 2.1.x) unless you are using the unstable branch.

I’ll poke Rowan tomorrow at work and tell him look at it ASAP.

Having to use the unstable branch for a number of months now isn’t great, especially when it’s far more stable than the actual master branch.

Is there anything in particular that this extension fails with on 2.2?

@brendo, I’m not sure. I haven’t tried on 2.2. I mainly was asking if that was going to be included its such a wonderful extension.

Agreed, this extension is my Symphony lifeblood! :)

Hmm, weird!
I’m installing this extension on a 2.1.0 version of Symphony. The first error I see when I click on Blueprints > XML Importers is this one:

Fatal error: Class 'GenericErrorHandler' not found in /home/reitdiep/domains/ on line 68

Does anyone also have this problem?

@whgdesign -

Try using the unstable branch.

I tried the extension for the first time with the 2.0.7 version but it doesn’t work either with this.
Because I saw that version 2.1.0 is stable with this extension I’ve updated Symphony to version 2.1.0.

Is this what you referred?

No. Unstable branch of the XML Importer extension.

Also, you’ll want to update your site to at least Symphony v2.1.1 or v2.1.2. Both of those are really stable than 2.1.0. See Symphony version history.

Anyone tried XML Importer with Symphony 2.2 yet? Is it working well?

I tried XML Importer (0.11/unstable branch) on 2.2 tonight and it appears to die with my previous existing importers. Guessing this is a 2.2 incompatibility. Here's a sample error:

call_user_func(xmlimporterzootool::getRootExpression) []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback

the debugger flags:

$about['for-each'] = @call_user_func(array(&$classname, 'getRootExpression'));

on line 91 of xmlimporter/lib/class.xmlimportermanager.php.

Is anyone working on updating this extension for Symphony 2.2?

XML Importer updated to version 1.0.0 on 3rd of March 2011


This release of the extension requires you manually modify your importers slightly, remove the following lines:

public function __construct(&$parent) {


  • Updated to be compatible with Symphony 2.2
  • Improved validation by adding an XPath validator.
  • Improved handling of automatic namespace fetching.

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