
Hi, what is the status of Frontend Membership for the newer Symphony versions (i.e. 2.1.1), Will it work?

The team plans to release “the official” Frontend Membership extension right after the next stable release of Symphony 2. I wouldn’t count on any past releases, because there will be numerous changes.

The Members extension, when it’s released, will depend on Symphony 2.2.

Ok great, keeping my eye on 2.2.. ;)

I have 2 upcoming projects that I am planning to build using Symphony, however 1 will definitely require front end membership. Are there any timeframes in mind for 2.2?

I second that as I really need this feature to work. I’ve got two projects with the main phases on hold in waiting for this feature… Having to develop around it at the moment.

I’m really excited and can’t wait for this…

I installed this extension on an empty installation, used the internal setup, but it’s giving me various errors.

When I add a new user and click on ‘Create entry’ it throws the following database error:

An error occurred while attempting to run query: SELECT * FROM `sym_members_email_templates` WHERE `id` = LIMIT 1

An error occurred in ***/extensions/asdc/lib/class.asdc.php around line 305

Also, when I try sorting the table on username and password, Symphony throws the following error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`ed`.`username` asc LIMIT 0, 17' at line 12

An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

    * SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date_gmt`) AS `creation_date_gmt` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` INNER JOIN `sym_entries_data_7` AS `ed` ON (`e`.`id` = `ed`.`entry_id`) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '3' `ed`.`username` asc LIMIT 0, 17

Any thoughts why? Or do I have to wait for the 2.2 release of Symphony?

The members extension needs fully setting up with a section and email templates at present for it to stop erroring on any other action in Symphony. Oh, and user roles too…

I’m just waiting patiently now ;o)

I am having trouble with Frontend Members extension and symphony 2.1.1.

I am trying to set up a member registration page, but I always get an error unless I set member role manually: The error I get is following.

Column 'role_id' cannot be null
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query
INSERT INTO `sym_entries_data_24` (`entry_id`, `role_id`) VALUES ('30', NULL)

The problem is that there is no way I can send role id via POST - it’s a security hole. Besides I am sure it should not behave that way, as when I test it with the Frontend Members Reference Ensemble, it works well.

I do have “New Member Default Role” set and “New members require activation” checked. Email templates are also set up…

Please advise how to solve this…

Does anyone knows if this extension is working on Symphony 2.1.2?

I’ve installed and set up, but it isn’t logging in.

Thanks a lot!

What’s happening:

When I submit the form…

<form action="" method="post">
                    <input name="username" type="text" value="nome de usuário" class="blur" />
                    <input name="password" type="password" value="******" class="blur" />
                    <input type="submit" name="member-action" value="Login" class="submit" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$root}/logged/?debug"/>

… I’m not redirect, even logged in.

I’ve looked for something in the log, and I found this (many times):

2010/10/24 16:42:43 > UNKNOWN: 8192 - Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file C:wampwwwbenrootsfcoextensionsmembersextension.driver.php on line 1087

Does anyone knows how to solve it?


Anyone know why this problem is showing?

Symphony Fatal Database Error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17' at line 12

An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

    * SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date_gmt`) AS `creation_date_gmt` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` INNER JOIN `sym_entries_data_82` AS `ed` ON (`e`.`id` = `ed`.`entry_id`) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '14' `ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17


    * [/var/www/g33026/] MySQL->__error();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] MySQL->query();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] MySQL->fetch();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] EntryManager->fetch();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] EntryManager->fetchByPage();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] contentPublish->__viewIndex();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] contentPublish->__switchboard();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] contentPublish->view();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] AdministrationPage->build();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] Administration->__buildPage();
    * [/var/www/g33026/] Administration->display();

Database Query Log:

    * SET NAMES 'utf8'; [0.0001]
    * SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; [0.0001]
    * SELECT * FROM `sym_extensions`; [0.0003]
    * SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `sym_cache` WHERE `hash` = '_session_config' AND (`expiry` IS NULL OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP() <= `expiry`) LIMIT 1; [0.0004]
    * SELECT `session_data` FROM `sym_sessions` WHERE `session` = '2f28653a1206df257e8519e02c71635b' LIMIT 1; [0.0003]
    * DELETE FROM `sym_sessions` WHERE `session_expires` <= '1288680732' OR `session_data` LIKE '%|a:0:{}'; [0.0004]
    * SELECT `id` FROM `sym_authors` WHERE `username` = 'whgdesign' AND `password` = '6c20e8feb5818551eb1141b62090fa7c' LIMIT 1; [0.0002]
    * UPDATE sym_authors SET `last_seen` = '2010-11-16 07:52:12' WHERE `id` = '1'; [0.0002]
    * SELECT * FROM `sym_authors` WHERE `id` = '1' LIMIT 1; [0.0002]
    * SELECT * FROM `sym_sections` ORDER BY `sortorder` ASC; [0.0006]
    * SELECT `name` FROM `sym_extensions` WHERE `status` = 'enabled'; [0.0003]
    * SELECT,, t2.delegate, t2.callback FROM `sym_extensions` as t1 INNER JOIN `sym_extensions_delegates` as t2 ON = t2.extension_id WHERE t1.status = 'enabled'; [0.0005]
    * SELECT entry_order, entry_order_direction FROM sym_sections WHERE handle='members'; [0.0004]
    * SELECT field_id as `id`, force_sort FROM sym_fields_order_entries WHERE field_id=82; [0.0004]
    * SELECT * FROM `sym_extensions_delegates` WHERE `delegate` = 'AddCustomPreferenceFieldsets'; [0.0005]
    * SELECT `id` FROM `sym_sections` WHERE `handle` = 'members' LIMIT 1; [0.0003]
    * SELECT `s`.*, count(`e`.`id`) as `entry_count` FROM `sym_sections` AS `s` LEFT JOIN `sym_entries` AS `e` ON `s`.id = `e`.`section_id` WHERE `s`.`id` = '14' GROUP BY `s`.id; [0.0004]
    * SELECT t1.* FROM sym_fields as t1 WHERE 1 AND t1.`type` = 'sectionlink' AND t1.`parent_section` = '14' ORDER BY t1.`sortorder` ASC; [0.0004]
    * SELECT t1.* FROM sym_fields as t1 WHERE 1 AND t1.`id` = '82' LIMIT 1; [0.0003]
    * SELECT * FROM `sym_fields_memberrole` WHERE `field_id` = '82' LIMIT 1; [0.0004]
    * SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date_gmt`) AS `creation_date_gmt` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` INNER JOIN `sym_entries_data_82` AS `ed` ON (`e`.`id` = `ed`.`entry_id`) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '14' `ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17; [0.0000]

I have almost the same problem as kanduvisla. See my comment above.

I know a bit more now.

SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` INNER JOIN `sym_entries_data_82` AS `ed` ON (`e`.`id` = `ed`.`entry_id`) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '14' `ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17

This gives the error, but the solution is to put ORDER BY between:

`e`.`section_id` = '14'  


`ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17

So the code is now:

SELECT `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` INNER JOIN `sym_entries_data_82` AS `ed` ON (`e`.`id` = `ed`.`entry_id`) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '14' ORDER BY `ed`.`role_id` asc LIMIT 0, 17

This works fine by me, but where can I change the code so Symphony will do this for me?

@nickdunn I’ve attempted to use your fix for allowing an email address as a username and the nuts and bolts of it work fine, a user is created with that email address and can login.

Unfortunately when a user creates an account, although everything is added correctly it throws this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailTemplate::memberEmailFieldID() in /home/currbrew/public_html/extensions/members/extension.driver.php on line 51

Calling this line in your forked commit.

Any ideas? Personally I feel this is a really important option for this extension and its sooo close.

On a whim I changed:

if (self::memberEmailFieldID() == self::usernameAndPasswordField())


if (extension_Members::memberEmailFieldID() == extension_Members::usernameAndPasswordField())

And that seems to work. My PHP is next to non-existant so I may be paving the path to trouble there, maybe someone else could double check that?

That would be correct. self refers to the current class scope (which is EmailTemplate, not extension_Members).

This is something that 2.2 is addressing, removing calls to self with the more descriptive (and correct) notation. It greatly enhances code readability as well.


I have a Section of Reminders which you can select the users able to view each one (using Member Link Field).

I need to find a way to check the user logged in and filter the reminders by user. I’ve tryied all kind of combinations of <xsl:when test=""> without success.

Maybe a dumb question, but I’m a designer trying to play the developer! lol

Check your param pool (append ?debug to any page) and you should see a parameter in there containing the ID of the member. You can use this in your data source to filter reminders by that member only.

I found the $cookie-username parameter but it seems to be related to Authors not Members. I need to set up any parameter output in somewhere in order to get a param related to the Members?

Or there’s any way to do this checking by test since the Members extension output a XML with logged user infos?

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