
what captcha do you use for your forms? I hate reCaptcha as it’s to difficlult for users. Please share your experience!

Igor, I’m sorry this has nothing to do with your topic, but could you please use less punctuation marks. It feels a bit “loud”.


I don’t use any. They are a usability nightmare and directly negatively impact site conversions.

Personally, I see them as shifting your problems over to your users. The only time I could see someone using them is when having them directly benefits a site’s users. One example of this would be registration forms on community sites. Having lots of spammers register on your forum would be a nightmare for the users so adding a barrier is acceptable.

In those situations I tend to go for the simple ones that would be easy for a human. Personally, I’m still waiting for someone to figure out one that uses logic (non-mathematic) to test if someone is human.

@Nils Ok. As you wish ) but that was the desperate intonation, that was heard but the concern still exists )


I have successfully used this method on a shopping cart that was getting lots of spam on the contact form.

The user doesn’t even notice.

@Nils Loud? It’s nice to read a post with punctuation!


@Nils Loud? It’s nice to read a post with punctuation!

I assume that the initial post has been edited in the meantime.

@Nils Loud? It’s nice to read a post with punctuation!

Yes, it is. I didn’t say without. But I don’t think that things should go over the top!!!!!!!!!!

I think you know what I mean ;)

Edit: @Michael: It’s all in the title (and in some other threads as well)

The title??????????? Ah, I see!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fair enough, didn’t really notice that!

I think the point here is this: we can’t all go around using words like “urgent” in every thread title, or littering them with LOTS OF CAPS and insane punctuation!!! If we do, our discussions will begin to drown amid all the “noise,” and when a request is urgent, no one will know it.

Let’s please try to maintain perspective and only flag things as urgent that really are urgent (security issues and the like). This forum is responsive enough that someone will answer your queries quickly whether they’re decorated or not :)

There is some interesting information, ideas, and reflections in this Six Apart guide which, understandably, is slanted toward solutions for Movable Type. Might be worth a look anyway.

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