
It would be cool if I was able to build the field's publish panel using XSLT

Planned for Symphony 3 ;-)

Yeah, I know...

I found a very "creative" solution for my problem. I suddenly realized that all I need is a SBL field and "somehow magically" replace the GUI. So I am using the HTML Panel Field to display a GUI with checkbox inputs ("posting" to the SBL field using its name, of course -- the SBL field accepts checked="checked" as well as selected="selected"). With a few lines of JavaScript I am now adding checked="checked" to all input elements which are selected options in the SBL field's panel, then remove the SBL panel from the DOM completely. Problem solved! :-)

BTW: This extension is really awesome!

HTML Panel field updated to version 1.3.2 on 5th of April 2011

  • added localisation functions and Romanian translation (thanks Vlad)
  • fixed SSL certificate bug (thanks michael-e)

Just started using this, Nick. It is super helpful. Thank you.

I was thinking, would it not be possible to define a style sheet, attach data sources, and attach events via the fields settings?

  • It would unclutter pages.
  • It would also eliminate any front-end security issue.

Is this possible?

It would also eliminate any front-end security issue.

Should be ok if the page-type is set to admin in the Pages editor

So I guess, is it possible and is it worth it to de-clutter pages?

I deliberately excluded this to keep the extension simple — the contents of an HTML Panel field doesn't have to be a Symphony page. I usually create a root page panels or system, and any pages for HTML Panel and Email Templates are sub pages of this. This keeps them namespaced and away from everything else.

No worries, I realize it is just a nice to have feature.

Thanks for the great tip! I think that's a fine solution :)

Ahhhhh! I realise this mother could actually be used to create »next/previous entry« buttons for a single entry of a section fairly easy.

You can use it to do pretty much anything :-)

It is compatible with 2.2.5 on XAMPP which use PHP 5.3?

I get an abstraction error.

Fatal error: Class extensionhtmlpanel contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about) in C:xampphtdocsxamppsymphonyextensionshtml_panelextension.driver.php on line 21

Checkout tag 1.3.3 which is the latest version compatible with 2.2.5

@alpacaaa, great thank, it works!

It is a good idea to have more interesting example how we can do with html panel. Seem like it will mess up the CMS if we don't filter the data properly, is it a good idea to display html panel in iframe instead?

In the next version, I love to have "Retrieve" button so that I can test what I will be getting instead of "Enter" key.

You can do anything with it that you can do with a standard HTML page. iFrames are the devil.

The panel relies on the entry data being saved first, so a retrieve or preview button wouldn't work in this case. At least I don't think so...

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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