
Edit: I’ve got an extension working… it’s over at

Hello – I’m Ross.

I’m scoping out using Symphony – for a small project first – my question is about creating an image gallery or more specifically showing an image preview in a list of entries.

I’ve tried Mediathek – it’s good but maybe a bit too advanced for this client.

I’ve set up Section called Homepage Gallery which has an image file. With the extension Order Entries the order of images can be rearranged – perfect.

But there is no image preview, just the filename. I need to have displayed, at least, the thumbnail image of the image file feild.

How could this best be done? Am I missing something?

At the moment the best idea I can think of it take the JQuery source of FancyBox Plugin and rehash it into something that takes the image filename and replaces it with a Jitsourced thumbnail. But this seems like a bit of a hack, or maybe am I wrong.

Any thoughts? I would like to start using symphony for other projects.

I know there is an image with preview extension but if I’m correct,I doesn’t show this preview in the entries listings.

Hi Ross, and welcome!

At the moment the best idea I can think of it take the JQuery source of FancyBox Plugin and rehash it into something that takes the image filename and replaces it with a Jitsourced thumbnail. But this seems like a bit of a hack, or maybe am I wrong.

Sounds like a hack, but this is how I’d do it with an extension! You could write a new upload field type that has this specific functionality, but it sounds overkill to create a new field type. DOM manipulation would be a neat layer, such that you can turn it on and off to your heart’s desire.

If you were to write your own extension to do this, the Quick Preview would be a good one to follow.

Great thanks Nick, I’ll follow this up with Quick Preview…

I’ve got an extension working… it’s over at

Looks like a handy extension. But the images are table cell backgrounds and get clipped when the table headers are narrower than the images. ‘Image’ is a pretty short column header. :)

I’ve made them cell backgrounds so they will play nicely with drag-and-drop plugins like Order Entries.

For the column widths, you’re right. I’ll look into it. Maybe try and set an minimum width…

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