
Is it possible to remove the force-download headers

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=bla.jpg

for attached images on this forum (well, of course it’s possible but are you willing to do so)?

I find it a bit irritating to be forced to download every tiny image I want to look at instead of just being able to open them in a new tab.

Seconded. I have always wondered why the forum does this.

Me too.

And me, it’s only a minor thing, but a little annoying…

Just a side thought, why not use XSLT to look at the document type and if it’s anything but an image it gets downloaded, otherwise I’d have it pop up in a lightbox. Keeps users on the page and it tends to be a less intrusive method.

And yes, I agree that forcing images to download is a bit of a pain.

I’ve updated a related issue on the tracker for when the team do a site-fixing-sprint :-)

Just a side thought, why not use XSLT to look at the document type and if it’s anything but an image it gets downloaded …

In my opinion nothing (PDFs as well) should be forced to download. If so you’re never able to just open them in another tab as the browser will still download the document.

In my opinion nothing (PDFs as well) should be forced to download. If so you’re never able to just open them in another tab as the browser will still download the document.

Yeah, the browser should be the deciding factor in whether the doc should be downloaded or not…

I’ve updated a related issue on the tracker for when the team do a site-fixing-sprint :-)

Yeah, could be a while as everyone is busy on 2.0.8 ;)

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