
The Unique Checkbox is a checkbox that lets you limit the number of entries that can be checked at any one time, with the option to allow entries to steal the checked state from other entries.

Nice. This will be very useful for preference -type entries. Thanks!

I just found this helpful extension and I get the following error on the frontpage of my website:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method FieldUniqueCheckbox::cleanValue() in /www/htdocs/extensions/uniquecheckboxfield/fields/field.uniquecheckbox.php on line 187

Any ideas how to solve this?

Ugh, this is the problem with patching symphony: you fix something that breaks unpatched versions...

I'll make a new release tonight.

Just a quick note to say that I first looked on Github for this and couldn't find it ;-)

Ugh, and I never did make a new release...

Rowan, I've sent you a pull request that makes this field 22 times more awesome, and all I did was change five characters.

Is this extension still actively maintained?

I believe this is on a list of extensions Rowan is going to move over the Symphonist Github account. Once migrated we can update. I need this for a 2.3 site so want to update it soon.

Thanks for the info

Hi Nick,

did you have a chance to look into this?

I've updated this locally. Will push to the repo shortly.

Thanks Nick!

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