
to allow editors to create and reorder new pages

This to me is the big gap in Symphony functionality at the moment. I've been meaning to work out a way of adding a pages section so that my clients can add and reorder pages, by my Symphony skills can't manage it. Its the page hierarchy that I can't seem to get my head around. Plus I know that a quick and dirty homemade solution will bypass much of Symphony's great functionality.

I would love to see some discussion around this at Symposium.

I too struggled with this when I just started looking into Symphony.

Many people pointed out that Symphony is not a 'page-based' CMS and, ideally, the IA and site structure is thought out before and would seldomly change. While I agree in theory practically I do get quite some requests for new pages (with a certain template).

I often allow for this by adding an 'extra' Symphony Page and having the users creating 'contentpage' Entries which they should link to the 'extra' Sym. Page. This way they can freely create /extra/foo and /extra/bar/ pages.

Ordering contentpages is done through the Order Entries extension.

This is obviously quite limited though and I would love to see a better (UI) way to deal with this scenario.

IMHO a quick 'fix' would be to develop a variant of the Pages Field that would automagically create a Symphony Page ('by reference'). When one could add this field to a 'contentpage', the editor could choose a 'template' and the Sym. Page would be created.

Anyway, thanks @klaftertief for your work and I am looking forward to seeing what you have worked on re: this issue.

Page Prototypes updated to version 0.6.1 on 10th of February 2012

Page Prototypes updated to version 1.0beta on 14th of May 2012

The new version is a nearly complete rewrite. It doesn't modify the pages table anymore and uses normal pages as prototypes instead of copying the functionality of the pages editor. This means it's much more lightweight :-)

Nice one! Thanks Jonas.

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