
I’m trying to get the Mediathek extension image drop on a textarea with tinyMCE/CK-editor formatting to work properly. Right now it get’s the path of the dropped images wrong inside the html output.

I think it is because of the tinyMCE/CK-editor script tags which are being included in the page after the Mediathek script (to be clear, this is inside the Symphony UI). This in turn causes the textarea’s in the section to lose it’s ‘droppable’ functions needed for the image drop to work right.

So in short, how can I change the order in which the extensions script assets are being included in the page?

I never found a solution how to handle dropping from Mediathek fields to WYSIWYG editors. So I’d be happy if you find a way.

To change the order of inclusion have a look for functions like these:

$this->_engine->Page->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/subsectionmanager/lib/draggable/symphony.draggable.js', 101, false);

The number represents the order in the page source.

Thanks Nils,

Putting all mediathek scripts at the end didn’t do the trick, mediathek’s makeDropable() method can’t find the right tags to make droppable even using the specific class name for the tinyMCE/CKeditor text containers.

Perhaps these formatters have a delayed init function to make those containers, or perhaps it is because of the iframe’s they use.

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