
Hi Nils, As you can see in the image section.png I’ve the entry with id 12; Then I try to filter through the Subsection Manager Field (image:data-source.png); But in the debug I receive a SqlError (image:sqlerror.png); Then I tried the same query but changing the where clause “AND t291.value IN (‘12’)” in “AND t291.entry_id IN (‘12’)” (image:query.png)

Thanks again for you time!!

query.png, sqlerror.png, data-source.png and section.png

It seems like you have a duplicate section with the same ID in your database. Can you verify please that this isn’t the real source of your problem.

“It seems like you have a duplicate section with the same ID in your database” No as you can see in the attachment…

The “value” column not exists in the table, but I believe the “value” column is the “entry_id” one.

t29.png and section.png

A few questions:

  • Does it work without error when you don’t try to filter your Data Source?
  • Are you using the release or development branch?
  • Yes it works;
  • Release Branch;

If you need it, I can see you the ensemble.

Thanks, I’ll check out the issue over the next days.


you were right, the error was in the database: the values of my symfieldssubsectionmanager were different from the ones of the 1.0 structure. Now it works!

Thank you very much for the help!

Has any progress been made into the problem of data source output parameters from Subsection Manager?

Mediathek Thread

I’m sorry, I totally forgot about that. I’m quite busy this week but I hope to find some time for Subsection Manager updates over the weekend.

Could you please log this issue on GitHub?

Maybe as a general information: I have been working on Subsection Manager issues connected to the single select mode over the last weeks. In this context I have started cleaning up the Stage and Subsection Manager JavaScript to be more precisely separated. I hope this will make maintenance updates easier in the future.

If you have bug reports or general feature requests, please post them in the GitHub issue tracker. Thanks!

Hi there, maybe it’s possible to rename git main branch as “master” NOT as “release”? As i use repository consisted on extensions as submodules and get them updated pulling origin “master” it’s very inconvenient to get error only for this module out of 90 smth. I’d appreciate it. thanx in advance

No worries, Nils. You have the unfortunate burden of a popular extension. :)

I added comments to an issue that seemed to match mine:



This looks really great! Unfortunately it doesn’t show up in my extension manager. I installed the 3 components (Subsectionmanager, draggable and Stage) into the extension folder with my FTP client. But none of them is showing up at the extension section. (I have the latest symphony)

What to do, what to do?



When downloading the release branch there should be no need to fetch Stage and Dragabble separately. How is the folder structure in your extensions folder?

Hi Nils,

I installed the Subsection Manager and it works great. But I hoped the image drag & drop feature for text formatters like CK editor and TinyMCE would work with this new release. My clients are really customed to this kind of text editing, and image inserting without Subsection Manager/Mediathek is really to much hassle for them :(.

Would the Mediathek perhaps still work in the Symphony 2.1.1, or do you see any other way of easy image insertion into html text?

Mediathek may work in Symphony 2.1.1 but it’s not tested in any way.

I’m curious: Did you manage to get drag and drop working in connection with CKEditor or TinyMCE using Mediathek? I have been experimenting with this a lot in the past and I was not able to get this working in a cross browser way (Firefox did always fail). Thus implementing drag and drop for WYSIWYG editors is currently not on the agenda for Subsection Manager. There will be a lot of improvements for the drag and drop feature though (custom caption, general behaviour etc.).

No not really.. those formatters are simply to bloated to get a handle on. To much markup and js interaction to correct.

I think Symphony is really is missing a good rich text editor with easy section image integration right now. Preferably some image insert submenu from within the text toolbar itself. That’s not to say that is something easy to do of course.. :/

this extension is absolutely incredible.

Just to clarify on how to add the repo to your projects using submodules:

To check out a specific branch you have to use the -b flag like so:

git submodule add -b development git:// extensions/subsectionmanager

The development branch will contain the stage- and draggable-components as submodules. To check them out as well you have to change into extensions/subsectionmanager and run

git submodule update --init

in there. Running it in your project’s root directory will do nothing!

After doing that you can return into your root dir and commit everything there.

I’m encountering a bug I believe. I have a SSM field ‘images’ on a section ‘products’ that is not required. However, any time I save a product the ‘image’ get’s filled (I believe with the first image from the Images section).

I tried re-saving the Products section and deleting the Image from the product entry SSM and saving but the image link is created every time.

Am I overlooking something or is this a (known) bug?

I’m using Symphony 2.1.1 and SSM 1.0.1 through a Git submodule

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