
I’ve been playing with a bespoke extension for a client and I’d like to initiate mass changes to records using the “With Selected…” dropdown on the index page.

Basically my requirements are to allow the client to:

-Select a number of records -Select an item from the dropdown (say: Set selected records to “featured”) -This would update a boolean field in the record to “yes”

Any help (or pointers to existing extensions with similar functionality) would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, L

I think what you are describing is already built into Symphony, with a few caveats. When you are browsing a listing of a type of content, you should be able to click on multiple entries (they will highlight in blue) and then using the dropdown you should see the options for fields that are Select Boxes and Select Box Links.

The caveat would be that you can only select as many as are listed on that page. (it’s paginated) I suppose you could up the number of entries that are listed in the config file.


That’s not exactly what I was after, but thanks; you’ve just pointed me in another direction that I hadn’t explored.

Thanks! L

Cool, thanks again. The problem was that I wasn’t returning a valid array from my getToggleStates function in the field.

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